Changing default file permissions (linux)

Ever wanted to change the default file permissions in linux? Maybe there is a directory in which every file should be writable by members of the “users” group (not something I would recommend)? Well, now you can! (Ok, this wasn’t meant to sound so much like an infomercial but I am kinda tired and I guess these things just kinda take a life of their own…)

Intro to Programming with JS

I really like learn x in y minutes. I think it is very effective at creating a very condensed, thorough example demonstrating many features of programming languages.

Getting Started with WebGME executors

In the past, I have played with the example WebGME executor but I keep forgetting exactly how they work (so I figured posting about it should solve this problem!). For anyone unfamiliar with the WebGME, information about it can be found on the home page or you can just check out the source on github. At the time of this writing, the latest WebGME is version 1.1.0.

Hello World

This is my first post on this blog so, like in software dev, it is fitting to start with a sort of “Hello world” sort of blog post. That is, I figure I will take a minute to introduce myself.